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Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy
What are the indications of Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy Surgery?
It is performed in various adrenal gland disorders like Adenomas, Pheochromocytoma, Cushing’ s syndrome & Conn’s Syndrome
What are the intra-operative complications of Adrenalectomy?
- Vascular Injuries
- Superficial lacerations of Liver or Spleen
What is the recovery time of Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy?
Post Operative Recovery time for both unilateral and bilateral adrenalectomy is same and that is about 3-5 days
What is the cost of surgery?
The surgical package costs between Rs 70,000 and 1,00,000 in a private hospital in Delhi ( India ) depending upon the type of room